Nitrox Diving


Nitrox diving is for everyone! Advantages of higher O2 content includes, less fatigue, more dive time, shorter breaks between dives and conservative dive planning. This is why more and more divers learn to dive Nitrox (EANX – Enriched Air Nitrox).

During this course, you will learn to use a gas analyser, the benefits and danger of O2, about partial pressure (PPG – Partial Pressure of Gas) and other important theories linked to the use of O2 under pressure.

This course will include in-class theory and diving practise.

nitrox diving


Minimum age

18 years old or 15 years old with parental consent, IANTD Open Water Diver or equivalent

course content

Theory, Nitrox Diving, exam.


2 days minimum, 4h theory, 2 dives


40% O2 max., PO2 of 1.5ATA max.


Combinaison de plongée Gilet stabilisateur Détendeur Un ordinateur de plongée Masque de plongée Une boussole Lest Mono bouteille

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Rescue Diver

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